
Yeah, I speak three languages. (:
English is number one, Polish is number two, and the weakest and least fluent of all is French.
I live in Canada, so. (;

I learned Polish from being spoken to in Polish my entire life, so I think if I had been spoken to in French as a child, I would be able to speak it waaay better.

But no matter.

P O L I S H F O R T H E W I N.

Yanno it.

I have been asking myself 'Why' for everything lately. All of these questions have been jumping around in my head for the last couple of days, in accordance with each new day. These questions have become best friends with nagging thoughts and angry thoughts, both of whom are not a favourite of mine. Often times, I get them confused because they're so closely intertwined.

Happy thoughts and peaceful thoughts have retreated to the back of my mind, therefore hiding from the terror that nagging thoughts, angry thoughts and questioning thoughts have unleashed.

It's quite the mess up there. I'm scared to look inside.

I've officially lost touch with one of the few guys in my life that has made a difference in my life. Granted, I did break up with him, (but c'mon, I was in another country for a month), so we lost touch. Then we became good friends, talked often, joked around, and then.. nothing.

We completely lost touch. I knew he wasn't angry at me for ending it, because we got closure afterwards. In fact, he had a girlfriend. I was happy for them. But I got sick of the ignoring treatment, so I confronted him about it. How he never said one word to me in person for over three months, barely responded to my texts, and overall ignored my existence. He agreed that it would be better to make amends. Too bad this never happened. He promised he would give me a little attention so we could become friends again. I've passed him in the halls many times, wondering when he would ever get the bravery to say something. Anything.

In fact, I've stood next to his lunch table, talking with a friend of mine, who was also talking to him. He said nothing.

Why? Dlaczego? Pourquoi?

I could not be more f.r.u.s.t.r.a.t.e.d.

Ah, whatever. That's a continuation for another day.

What do you guys want to be when you grow up?
I'm going into writing, without a doubt. Naturally, I still have a lot to learn. But it's the field I'm set on, my little piece of passion in my life.

How about you people? What do you like? Math, science, art?

Damn, I envy you people who excel at math and art. They're my two worst subjects. (Pulling a 75 in both.. seriously not my best work.)

Marianas Trench. <3

Take me with you, I start to miss you. Take me with you, I start to miss you. Take me with you, I start to miss you.

Love, love, love. I'm yours. <3
May 19th, 2011 at 10:55pm