A quick swap, and twenty-minute birthdays gift creations (help!)

I have literally just remembered that today is my sister's thirteenth birthday. I feel terrible because, obviously, I forgot the one day out of the year when I actually have to get off my lazy ass and make something, and also because I only have about twenty minutes until the family and her friends have to gather around the cake and hand her presents.

I need your help, Mibba.

I have to make her something in less than twenty minutes since I can't exactly run to the store and buy her something (I live a long ways away from town; yes, I live in the middle of Nowhere.)

Here's a list of my craft supplies: colored pencil, printer paper, scissors, glue, tape, and a stapler. If you count butter-knives as craft supplies, I also have a lot of those.

Suggestions? Of course, I could just make her a card with a twenty inside of it, but that's so overdone. I need something original.


I'll swap! You can read any of my stories, but preferably Goraphobia. Your story must not be slash, fanfic, or over two chapters. One-shots are always preferred.


Much love,

May 28th, 2011 at 03:11am