Mind Blown. (Kind of...)

So we were supposed to get a tornado on June 1st and alas! We did. I mean- come on now. We live in the ghetto of the Massachusetts, not the plains of the Kansas. I went in the basement, but I completely forgot about my poor parakeet Larry. (See? It's a pun: Larry Bird is his name... No? Ugh whatever.) who would've just flown away. At least my casa isn't damaged. I haven't had internet nor cable for, like 4 days. I'm at my dad's casa so as to use his wifi. Huh. Ashleigh (a.k.a. Muffinz/Isa/Isabel/Muffinz) won't answer my call... It depresses me deeply. I went to the library today, and mosied on over to the reference section and started to read "A Brief History of Springfield Massachusetts and Hampden County." Let me tell you: that "Brief History" is complete and utter anti-floccinaucinihilipilification. The book was about 2000 pages long. No joke. I got to page three, about when some random Pilgrims made a tandom pilgramidge to the middle of the woods of MA. So yeah, that was my day. In case you were wondering, you can find "A Brief History of Hampden County, Massachusetts" at the Sixteen Acres branch Library on Parker st. in Springfield MA. I don't recommend it, but if you're THAT desperate than go ahead, but whatever. I hear the screams of small children outside... Creepy... I'm going to go eat some peanut butter.
June 4th, 2011 at 10:08pm