The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.

Dear mibba ,

It all stared out with a simple problem and then turned into a huge problem and then got so many people involved and then it went into tears as will i guess it was a death of some one so special so long ago it's was Jamie's dad her dad fought in in the army for 5 years and died in the 5th year it's was even a life you Could not save form die now he R.I.P in Fort point in a new state as Jamie my dearly beloved friends settled down with her mom in N.Y in a small apartment as wish their Father and wonderful husband But as they live their life it could turn into a huge problem fro Jamie she and her mom can get killed in this unpleasing world today

Love Kenzie
(fiction waz bored) comment if life for a storie chapter book)
June 7th, 2011 at 02:05pm