Writing Relay||Cowrite||MR||Canucks||Social Studies

Writing Relay!
I'm doing another writing relay. If you missed out on it the first time, or have no idea what I'm talking about, there's info here and here.
(And the old contest, just for good measure.)

I'm doing my first cowrite, and it's sort of scary. But fun. Maybe this will poke me to start writing.
any thoughts or horror stories about cowrites?

Mibba Revolution
You know, I really like this idea. It's the kick in the ass I need to write again, and I think a good part of mibba needs a similar kick. I hope we become a better community again.
What do you all think about it?

Ohhh you crazy Canucks. Why must you fail so hard in Boston? WHY.
This game is making me cringe/rage.
Do you watch hockey? Who's your team?

Biased Courses!
Hi there. I'm the government. What's the best thing to do when making the curriculum for a mandatory course? OH. Let's indoctrinate them early into Canada-loving little monstrosities.
-.- I hate the government sometimes.
June 14th, 2011 at 03:20am