Everything is changing... I just want to die.

My friends are... insane. I love them, but I seriously hate them...
The last day of school Cherokee and I made up. She came up and hugged me, blah blah blah. And then the next day, she called me a killjoy. Whatever. It's not my fault I have messed up legs and can't run with her at Magic Springs.
Meredith ignores me one day and then loves me the next. She takes me somewhere with her and then ditches me. That's not cool.
At Morgan's birthday party, Madison sent her boyfriend, Cody a text on Hannah's phone. 'If I knew Shelby was coming I wouldn't have come.' Nice, Madison. What the fuck do you have against me? Jeezus.
Today, I posted a facebook status. Two, actually. 'I'm going to name my child Saskia Hamilton'. Saskia Hamilton is a song I am in love with. Hannah messages me. And here is our conversation...
Hannah - I bet you won't even have kids.
Me - WTF.
Hannah - Your annyoing. You always hit me and stuff. That's not cool.
Me - Thanks. Have a nice life. Bye.
Hannah - I'm jussayin it's not cool to slap people
Me - When have I ever slapped you? Seriously?
Hannah - All the FREAKING TIME.
Hannah - Yuuuhhhhsssss you do.
Me - Uh, no. But whatever. Have a nice life. Buh bye.
Hannah - Dude wtf. You just sit there and lielike that? Okay whatever. But you need a nice life more than I do. (:

I have no idea what her problem is. I've never hit her, meaning to hurt her, in my entire life.
But what sucks is that we have summerschool together, and sit by each other in EVERY CLASS.
I'm kind of thinking it was Madi on Hannah's phone, because Hannah doesn't talk like that. But Idunno.

I totally have a crush on this guy Henry. But he's dating Halle, this chick everyone hates because she's super mean and a total bitch. And today, he told me he was going to have sex with her, just because she wants to. So... That hurt a little.

My mom and I are having super big fights. A week ago, we had a fight about how she's always yelling at me. I cried. I hate crying. And the worst part is, we were in a freaking RESTARAUNT. She made me /cry/ in a /restaraunt/. Who does that to their child?!
But whatever.
And today, she yelled at me for taking a headband. WTF...?

So... My life is falling apart.
June 15th, 2011 at 03:32am