Odds and Ends || From Free Reviews to Comment Swaps

Hello lovelies.

It looks like it's going to rain tonight, I just keep gazing out the window waiting for the water to drop. It feels a little cliché, to everyone else I probably look like I have my own music video going on in my head to a sad song. You know you've done that before too, don't deny it.


Has anyone else noticed that Lady Gaga talks the same way that Dianna Agron does? I think they have the same cheekbone structure and their mouths move the same way. Hmm...

Lately I have been giving a lot of free reviews and spreading the love. I love helping out and giving advice smothered with how much I love the story. But now, I'm back to writing my own story again, I posted a chapter last night and I am so excited because the plot is finally advancing! Bow chicka bow wow.

Now, I'm up for a comment swap. Everyone knows the rules. And you get what you give so try to give something relatively long, honest, and detailed. Those are the comments I like to give so give me a reason to give one.

The Second Eve

1. When you look at a person, what facial feature do you pay the most attention to?
I'm a mouth person. That's why I notice strange things about Lady Gaga's mouth...
2. Have you ever pretended you were in a music video when no one was around?
.....many times...
3. Comment swap?

June 17th, 2011 at 04:59am