Karmas a bitch!

Well my life is not that interesting but i keep thinking if i write it down for people to see it soe how will be. So here goes nothing. So do to an all girls private catholic school (so much fun) NOT. any way i had so pretty dark days last year not only had my aunt and my grandfather pass away i was dealing with shit at school with my so called friend...

Well i really trusted her i thought we were best friends ohh and for all those that are reading this i hope you really know your best friends because if this ever happened to you i know your pain. So anyway it all started when my school and the boys school up the road were have a ball room dance and so we have 2 pracs and then everyone gets dressed up and we have a formal dance right. Well my friend she started liking this boy lets call him (WHY) so when she starts to like someone she will go head over heels i only know thins because she was madly in love with my older brother who was 4 years older then her. yer crazy. well she never talked to him before she only danced with him one time and from that time one he was trying to stay away from her. so as a good friend i tried to help worst idea ever!!! this all started when one day at school she was not talking to me and i had know idea why? so that night my REAL outside school best friend i have known her longer called me up crying. she tells me that she dose not appreciated the way i have been treating her through e-mails. and i was like what are you talking about i my computer is not working how could i send you emails i then had to go to her house because they were that bad. i had found out that my EX best friend had hacked my msn and sent the emails and changed my password. like what is the hell was she thinking.

So what i did was only really really small and silly i bet most of the people reading this have done the same well me and this other girl that didn't like my ex best friend well we made a prank call to her and played the song F**k u by lily Allen and that was (i have to say it was pretty funny) so that night my friend sent me a personal message on Facebook telling me that if anyone ask about the call tell them you don't know anything OK. that is all she said and i replied bake with no prob.

Well three days later i asked to talk to my now ex best friend and she started screaming at me she looked like the biggest fool everyone was looking at her. that same week she hacked my Facebook and went through my personal emails and everything changed the email with the convo of my and the girl i did the prank call with and printed it off and went to the my head mater.

Well i went in with my parents and i also took the emails she sent my bf and my cousin and the emails her boy friend he sent me yelling at me omg it was to the point were he told me if i dint watch out i was going to be bashed and i was like what kind i dog are you and he was like threatening me so i went to the head master and he told me that he was going to be suspender. BUT i dint so that was good she moved schools after making my life hell after that she took at my friends and then dropped them because she is the one that lost them all and my fight with her was called world war 3 at my school. now i am that one with the big group and she had no friends at her new school. so that's my past so looking forwarder to the future and everyone in it she made me a much stronger person and i really should thank her fro showing me not to be friends with BITCHES!!!!!

till next time
June 18th, 2011 at 10:36am