Story Updates

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating like I should! Finals and crap like that along with getting ready for graduation into high school has been unbelievable. BUT I have been at least ATTEMPTING to finish up chapters and I'm gonna try to post one chapter from Same Old Story today, but if not, summer break starts Thursday, and then I have time to write and post!! I know I'm horrible and there's no good excuse for me not to have at least tried to update, but I'm gonna try and be better! Especially since this summer I'm going to have all that time after activities! Me and my best friend are jogging Mondays, and Wednesdays, Tennis on Tuesdays, Swimming on Fridays, and undecided on Thursdays. I think that's free day since me and our other best friend have babysitting up in Seattle. It'll be a fun summer filled with money! :)

Okay so here's the recap:
I PROMISE to have another chapter out from a few of my stories within the next week.
I'm working out and babysitting this summer
And that pretty much sums it up!
Thanks so much guys for sticking with me!
Love M(:
June 19th, 2011 at 06:27pm