Looking Human for the Patriotic Holidays

Wow. Guess what, mibba members. I'm wearing makeup today. That's new. I NEVER wear makeup. Not even for school concerts. But today I saw that tube of lipstick in my accessories container, and... I just couldn't resist. So now I'm wearing lipstick, mascara, blush, even nail polish. It's weird. But then again, at least I can cover up those nasty dark bags under my eyes and I can look more human than I really feel... Because I woke up, clutching my pillow again.... and it's not Him. But I couldn't let go.... I just couldn't. Because if it had been really Him, I never would want to.

At least I can look pretty for the July 4th family party. Happy Independence Day everyone.
July 4th, 2011 at 06:07pm