Why?! Why me?!

Life sucks really bad right now, my mom is making me move BACK to New Mexico, then we are moving to Pheonix, Arizona after that. And just to top it off, I have ringworm, its because I have a very weak immune system, and I saved 3 baby kittens a few weeks ago, now there is only 2, the third one died from worms, and we have named the remaining kittens Skooter and Jepordy, well I named Jepordy, my cousin with SO many issues (all emotional and fussy aka a teenage girl just entering adulthood and makes you want to shoot her kind of issues) named Skooter. Well, back on topic, little did we know that these little fuzz butts had ringworm, now me, my emotional pain in the arse cousin, and my emotional pain in the arse cousin's beanpole aka her boyfriend of 3 1/2 years, all have what? Thats right we have ringworm! It is so annoying and it itches! Also, my boyfriend decided that he wanted to choose NOW of all times to be pissy and all bipolar. And Seth? I know you are probably reading this and laughing like the meanie you are, if you have anything to say bout my life that is longer than a paragraph, you can send me a darn message like a normal best friend would. Not that your really a normal person or anything.
July 13th, 2011 at 10:52am