Charles Brodan background history from 1993-2010 (before the 5 year gap)

He was raised in the Chez republic. His mother was a traveling gypsy. So they traveled around from state to state, I guess xD; He was a delinquent child, getting in trouble often and making a ruckus of things. His mother found him more of a nuisance than anything. But she did teach him gypsy magic that he uses from time to time to this day. Since they travelled a lot, he stole things, and was very good at it. He liked to explore and scavenge out the area for his mother so she knew where the best places were to put on a show, or to steal and cheat in. He was used to the life on the road, living out of a wagon and being around animals. When he was twelve, he had his first girlfriend. A villager from one of the towns they were passing through. They stayed there for a few times to get supplies and feed the animals. They were just friends at first, but she had other sort of things on her mind to do with him. When his mother caught him laying in the hay with a naked girl, himself half naked she was furious. They left that night and he was banned from seeing her again.

After that, Charles decided that he hated his mother for a long time. Because he 'loved' that girl, but he hadn't known what love really was. He didn't listen to her as often as she wanted, and their hostility between each other lasted a good year. It ended when after a fight, Charles went off to wander around. He found one of the old camps used during WW2 and explored further, climbing up onto the rooftop he looked around before it caved in on him and he landed in chemical waste that had been festering for years. It burned his skin, and the scars still remain faintly there on the left side of his face (reason why he keeps his hair the way he does) on his hands, stomach and legs.

He stayed in the hospital for a while to heal and his mother visited him, calling him a fool, that he wasted their money. However she stayed by his side. More than the doctors did. Because of that, she ended up getting a cancer from her personally taking care of him in an improper way, the chemicals getting to her. Now that she was on her death bed, she blamed him for everything and her horrible life. The gypsy prince tried to make things better for his mother but she only spat hate at him as she withered. When she gave her last breath, she cursed him.

Now fifteen, going on sixteen he tried to find a way to make a living where he was. He tried whoring himself for a while, but when that got too risky because of the cops Charles tried to seek out his father that he hadn't ever met through his mothers old things. He figured out that she had a great deal of hate for him too. He also figured out that she hated homosexuals with such a fiery passion it scared him. When he figured out that his father lived in America. He left his traveling clan in the middle of the night, stealing enough money to make it over to America.

Charles looked for days, surviving on the streets, until he found where his father was living. He was scared at first, since his father was tall, 6'7" and muscular. To him he looked like a giant beast. But Roland offered him his home and told him that he knew all about him. Which raised questions, and Charles started to hate his other parent now because Roland wasn't answering most of his questions. He was distant, and kept to his work on Vice with the police. Leaving Charles home alone to ponder his thoughts and slip a bit deeper into his depression. He started believing his mothers words, that he was a mistake, no one wanted to pay no attention to a failed reject like him. The only time he really spent with his father was when he spend his 16th year teaching him english and sending him to a school not far from where he lived.
July 15th, 2011 at 07:08pm