Finally, Finally, Finally Done!

I (finally) finished writing the longest story I have here on Mibba. 39 chapters long. 39. It may not seem like a lot to others who have been on here longer than I have but I started August of last year so this story was a big deal to me. Plus, I wrote it for a contest in the forums . . . and it was 10 days late. *facepalm*. But even if it won't be accepted into the contest, I'll still be happy because I'm pretty proud of what I wrote.

So yeah, if there's ever a rainy day where you don't have anything to do for a while, it's called The Nagual. I mean, this journal isn't really a comment swap, but yeah just . . . putting it out there ;) haha

I'm just really relieved it's over and now I can focus on another shorter story I had started a while ago.


I'm going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 on Friday and this Potterhead is excited. The only thing that may or may not affect me and my watching is if my friend is bringing her girlfriend. I feel like I'd be awkward because I don't have a date and I'd sort of be the third wheel. However, I did invite another friend so if she can come that'd be great.

If the other friend can come too but if not then it's not that big of a deal.

So. Yeah. I just wanted to share that with you guys. :) To the American Mibbians, have a good night. To the European Mibbians, good morning! And to the Asian Mibbians, have a pleasant afternoon.Look at me being all diplomatic-like

1. How are you?
2. Have you seen / are you going to see the Harry Potter movie?
3.I believe in miracles Where ya from?You sexy thaaaaaang. (You sexy thang, you.) . . . *is really hoping people will understand her musical reference*
July 21st, 2011 at 06:27am