My Life as Roan Carver Valosta

Okay so today is my little brothers birth day and he would have been 8 .... he pasted away in november of last year. Today was a hard day for me cause i feel so responsible for everything that happened to my little brother Seth. Allie keeps telling me its not my fault but i cant help feel that way. When i woke up i didnt want to get out of bed i just wanted to lay there and sleep the day away so i wouldn't have to feel the pain. but my awesome best friends Brandon and Ryan told me to get my ass up and follow them down stairs . so i did and when i got down there, there were 4 brand new paintball guns! they knew how to cheer me up and fast so me Brandon, Ryan, and the Chris went out and had a paintball fight that helped me keep my mind off of Seth for a while till it ended..... Lunch came and went swam a bit and played video games.... i started to feel depressed again as the day dragged on. Allie came to talk to me and she helped me through it like last time. She really knows how to help just by talking i like that about her and that she will take the time and go out of her way to make sure your okay. She told me i should go home and see my mom and dad but i cant face them. I feel like ever since the accident that my parents hate me and thats why they always work late or have me sleep over at Brandon's. I cant face my mom especially, she loved Seth to death more than she loved me. When she found out what happened to her little boy she couldn't even talk to me ... she wouldn't even look at me ............. i feel like if it weren't for my friends i'd be dead

R.I.P - Seth Thomas Valosta (July 27, 2003 - November 15, 2010)

I love you with all my heart and know that I didn't mean for it to end the way it did.

i love you so much and im so sorry.
July 28th, 2011 at 11:36am