Texting VS. E-mailing Or Talking?

Wouldn't it be cool if people still wrote letters? Or even e-mailed each other stories? Like full paragraphs at a time. Or talked on the phone as a way of contact. I read somewhere once that text messaging is a way to keep people close while at the same time apart. Sometimes though, in my mindless opinion, texting keeps people too close. To me, it takes all of the mystery or intrigue out of a person.

It's like this. When you don't have anything else to say most people, not all but most, go on say the four different ways of saying 'yes' or 'yeah'. Why not end the conversation there and come back when you have something more interesting to say?

To me texting seems so emotionless. As if people use it as a way to converse while disconnecting yourself from the conversation. You don't put your all into it as you most likely would were you on the phone or writing an e-mail to that person. Because if you don't what would be the point of sending that e-mail? Or saying those words? Most people want to keep the person coming back for more, right? While, again to me, texting seems so boring as if you don't have to try as hard. Its as if there is something missing in a text.

But hey, who am I to say anything? I text all the time. Although, yes I do e-mail people.

Thanks for stickin' with my boring ramble!

Anyway, check out One Way Collision a story I'm co-writing with my sister.
August 5th, 2011 at 07:28am