What I did during the 2011 summer (Meet Hollywood Undead)

So this summer hasn't been very exciting for me, but I got to meet my favorite band Hollywood Undead! It was amazing. I went on July 22, 2011 and it was in an f.y.e. I was so nervous and I first met Charlie Scene. I told him I was nervous and he said to me "Me too!" I shook hands with Da Kurlzz and Danny said to me "Pound it!" so I did. After I met them, I stood by the side and I noticed Funny Man had a box of Scooby Snacks (you know, like the gummy fruit snacks) and I, being myself, yelled to him "Funny Man! Can I have a Scooby Snack?" and he looked confused at first but then gave them to me. I was so happy. I even got him to sign the package. I was the only one to get one. It was one of the best days of my life. I got a signed shirt, poster, and their new CD, American Tragedy. I'll take a picture of the Scooby Snacks then upload it. If you are a fan of HU, you should definitely try and meet them. They are such sweethearts.
Lots of craziness,
Taylor :D
August 11th, 2011 at 07:15am