Atheism? It's My Way To Go

As an atheist, life isn't depressing. You can do whatever you want in this life without fear of

going to Hell. Wanna have a little gay sex? Marry a non-virgin (since most people aren't

virgins by the time they marry, true story)? Eat shrimp? Wear cotton/polyester blend clothes?

Now you can, without worrying about eternal damnation! Yes, comrades, atheist way is best

way. You know, since we're all communists and hell-bent (no pun intended) on destroying

the foundation of America.

I don't need help trying to find 'God.' I simply don't believe in Him.

I am genuinely a believer in Science. In school, we learn about religions that people studied

from Ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, ect; You name it, we learned it. Has it ever crossed your

mind that one day, if the world doesn't come across a spontaneous combustion, that kids

are going to be learning about our time? Learning that we believed in a man

resurrecting? Sure, you have proof that Jesus was a real man, but who got the idea to make

up a fairy tale about him coming back?

I do not understand the meaning of God and his works, but I don't care to.

I simply can't believe something until it is proven to me.

You aren't a bad person by being an atheist. You're just living your life how you want to

without worrying about what's going to happen to you when you die. What's the point of Hell if

God supposedly forgives everyone for their sins in the end? If there really is a Heaven and

Hell, sure, i'll be hanging out in Hell.

But right now, I'm gonna live my life without worrying about that. When I die, I die.

I'll rot in the ground, as will everyone else, if my thesis is correct. that is, of course.

I'm a strong believer in paranormal activity, though. I honestly believe that there is such thing

and it's possible for things to go on spiritually without there being a Heaven or Hell.

Maybe when you die, your soul forever lingers on the Earth, and you can do whatever

you want while you're there for eternal rest.

It's just a curious subject to me.
August 11th, 2011 at 06:07pm