I'm a pretty princess. And to all females, I appreciate you all. Alot.

So I had a sudden urge today to wear pigtails in my hair and be a cute little girl today c:

I don't know why....But I did o.o Would have been easier if I didn't get a haircut/dye...but I looked pretty cute still :3 You know not to brag or anything...But I looked cute :D


Comment if you'd like c:

If I was a man and there was a girl that looked like me I would date her.

And that sentence is pretty awkward because I am a man....and why would a man date a woman who looks like himself? That would make her seem like a man..which I am...but I'm cute...

Now my logic is all messed up and what not D: Is that what happens when you become a woman for a day? o_o

No but really I appreciate all females. Alot. <3 and today helped me realize that. They have to do so much D: Well I mean at least the ones who put effort into appearance...cause I've seen some girls who make me seem like a drag queen O_O Which I'm not..I swear. I mean I can get moody sometimes...and have an attitude...but yea, no.

So yea females have more to worry about D: If a guy doesn't shower in 2/3 days it's not really a big deal ya know...you get a few "ew's" but that's about it

now if a female on the other hand doesn't shower for 2 or 3 days then she gets so much BS xD Stuff like "Wtf is wrong with you" or "You disgusting fail of a woman" or "You fail in life you dirty nasty wh0re"

Ok ok I'm sorry I over exaggerated a little. or a lot. But that's kinda how big of a deal people make it xD

And if a guys all sweaty and icky it's fine, no one most of the time even says anything but if its a woman she will get ATTACKED. By strangers, friends, family, animals, everything.

And I feel like female's have a lot more drama than males..though it's kinda their own fault for starting it...xD but still...You get called every horrible thing there is out there when you get into arguments o_o

Like say you bump into another girl...because of that she blows up on you and calls you a b*tch? :O and a wh0re? and slut? Those words are abused and overused. I guess the meaning of them changed or something? xD

Well either way I think that must suck xD I mean there are so many other things too. And there's a lot of sexist people in the world so they have to deal with all that too :I

I'm not saying I pity them, but appreciate them <3

For example, my mommy <3 She's my favorite woman in the whole wide world :3 She's amazing. and incredible. Even if she doesn't shower in 3 days.

but yea...I love you all ladies ;O Not because I'm a flirt xD But because I sincerely appreciate everything you do~

Even if you didn't do anything for me or we never talked before, than on behalf of some male I thank you~

and btw keeping in pigtails is hard D: How do you do it?? It kept getting loose ;~; I tried hairspray and teasing it to keep them high...

and It kinda hurt o_o; It's like my hair was being ripped out D:<

But yea females I love you <3 and so do other males :3 not just because you have female goodies :x

and if there's a guy out there who makes you think otherwise, then tell him to gtfo. He doesn't deserve you.


and sorry this was very very long. Props to you if you actually read the whole thing~!
August 22nd, 2011 at 04:05am