I am ... FAT disgusting flabby gross...

this is how i feel. i feel like a balloon right now, trying to keep my fat from hanging out by wearing a tight top.

okay ill backtrack. here are the facts. i am seventeen years old, female, five foot four, and at the moment, a whopping 116.4 pounds. ive always been self-conscious of my size. as a kid, i was overweight. not obese, just chubby. you know how there's the stereotype of the overweight, over-shy and timid kid in elementary school? yup, that was me. high school was, and still is, a roller coaster, which is a story i'll save for another time. anyways, at the beginning of summer, I was 120 pounds. i went out of the country for a month, and came back five pounds lighter. needless to say, i knew how important this jumpstart was on my diet, and began calorie counting. my goal is 1200 cals a day (if maintained for a week, i will lose a pound). my lowest was recently around 112. i have been eating a lot more lately, because i have a weigh in tomorrow and i must be 114 (long story). i overdid it though. stupid fat flabby me.

haters gon hate, so if you got something negative to say, go screw yourself. if you are also dieting or ana, feel free to message me, i'm always looking for support buddies :))

August 24th, 2011 at 07:41am