That everything you do, is super duper cute and I can't stand it<33

Hi (: my first journal entry. So, i guess i don't have a lot of info about me on my profile, so here's an introduction to me(:

So if you couldn't tell, I like music like, NeverShoutNever!, Simple Plan, Big Time Rush (I know, kiddy band, bite me.), The Ready Set, Allstar Weekend, Paramore, Blood On The Dance Floor, and many more[: I hate- excuse me, strongly dislike classical music, jazz, r&b (with the exception of some), rap (sorry eminem fans), and country music. I prefer rock, and pop.

I love to draw, but looking back on my drawings that i drew a couple of years ago, they're not really good. I currently draw pretty good. I guess. :p I also love to sing, but i'm extremely shy to sing to people >.<

Oh, yeah, my name is Lisa[: But i really don't like my name. It's so drab. I would've liked for my parents to name me something else, but eh. I would name my girl one of these names: Ryane, Aimee, or Skye. I would name my boy one of these names: Hunter, Jakob (yes, with a 'k'. Bite me.), Destery, or Gray.

I'm thirteen (13), I will be 14 on March First, so wish me happy birthday, kay? I speak a little bit of French. I speak English (obviously, lol), and Vietnamese :p Yes I'm Asian. Deal with it. I can be stubborn, hardheaded, sarcastic, blunt, and impatient. I can use both hands to do whatever. Like I can write (good) with my left&&right hand. And what not. But my left hand is the most dominate hand. c:

My chinese zodiac sign is a TIGER. I live at P. Sherman, 42, Wallaby Way, Sydney. So send me mail, kay?

I don't know what else to add. So message me if you want to know more[: Byee<33

Let's sell all our shit,
And run away
To sail the ocean blue
Then you'll know,
That my heart is true yeah
September 1st, 2011 at 06:48pm