Don't Hate On My Music If Nobody Cares About Yours (rant)

So I love when scremo/rock fans hate on music like Selena Gomez or Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus. Alright, don't get me wrong. Not all of them do it. It's the ones that do that bother me. The ones that go...

"Nobody hates on our music, it must be better"

Honestly, if anyone knew that 'Panic at the disco' wasn't an old 70's flick, they probably would. Taste in music is a matter of opinion, but the truth is, more people like Justin Bieber in this world than they do Andy what-ever-his-name-is. Yes, I'm standing up for Justin Bieber, and getting at your music now haters. Now the hate's on you, how do you like it?
The reason there's no hate on it is honestly because nobody cares or knows what your music is. Call me when Avenged Six or Seven or Eight fold turns into the next Black-Eyed-Peas and we'll talk. Until then, you're Bieber sh*t talk doesn't really matter. Lets be honest, metal isn't ever going to be the next 'thing'
I have nothing against metal, rock, screamo fans. That's all good and fine that your original and stuff. But the ones who hate on the music I listen to, are really stupid. I honestly think it's out of jealousy or that they just want to hate on whats in.
September 11th, 2011 at 10:57pm