The Day In The Life.. By Me..

Welcome to the first entry of The Day In The Life.. By Me.
Catchy title right? Well yes of course.. The purpose of this journal is to vent/enjoy my time in college.. and well educate others of the do's and don't to further help their lives. Weird I know, but i figured.. hey why not.

A little background information might be evident in this case, just so you all kind of know about me.
My name is Megan and I am eighteen years old, and currently in my first year of college. I am studying public relations and I am having a fantastic time so far. ( note.. there is no sarcasm here)

In high school, I was a preppy kid, I am not going to lie, I conformed. Now all of you who don't really know what that entirely means.. well I am going to therefore explain it to you. I started high school not knowing what juicy couture, coach, or true religion jeans were; but when I graduated I wore designer labels, was a student athlete, a student leader, and the administration's go to girl for various spotlight activities. Ohh yea and the best one, I am now able to identify designer anything pretty much within a ten feet radius, ohh and this includes on television as well. You may call me a serious whack job.. I think of it as a fantastic accomplishment. Anyway, back on point here, those things were all well and good and so on, they made me the person I am today, and more determined to make something more of myself than what people see me as. I mean I was voted "most likely to come back" and I am looking to prolong that as much as possible; so meaning I went off to college like your ordinary girl. I am really enjoying myself here. I have met some great people and I am having a great time. and your probably wondering well that's all well and good where is the point here.. well wait a sec and I am getting to that... Thanks

Now, I have met some very great people. Some I know will be great friends for a very long time, and some that are awesome people to be around and have fun with. Both are great don't get me wrong but the great friends are the people you spend your everyday time with.. and trust.. and all that. Next, there are also some pretty amazing guys, hell I go to one of the greatest baseball schools in the country.. so you don't tell me that attractive guys aren't around.. ohh believe me they are.. all the time... it's amazing! Well back to the important story for a moment, I have recently met this guy and he is very cute. We met at a party, and got to talking, and have been progressively hanging out since then. I mean he watches " The Notebook" and Glee with me and my friends so it's a pretty fun friendship. And NO he is not gay! ( no offense to gay people out there! But it is automatically assumed that if you watch glee and the notebook that the label is attached! I believe true men- straight or gay- are able to watch glee and the notebook and enjoy themselves!!) anyways we were together tonight and watched glee, new girl, and tosh.o.. and then went and got food ( like typical college students) well I get back to my dorm after me, him, his friend, and a few of my friends go down and grab a snack, and i get a text saying that he has such a great time when he is around us.. and how we are a super cool bunch.. awesome.. great right.. well as the conversation progresses... he then says that my really good friend is pretty cute... now this is the boy I like.. and had everyone convinced he liked me back.. what.. confused.. yea so am I! so i am caught in a very interesting situation.. Suggestions anyone?

Well who knows what will be talked about in the next edition of The Day In the Life... By Me.. I am open to suggestions..
Stay Beautiful :)

Megan :)
September 21st, 2011 at 09:58am