What's been up for me so far?

Well as only my fam & friends know, I am no longer in High school. Been out of the high school loop for over a year and a half now. I've moved on from most childish things that I cherished closely.LIke my first high school crush (turned out to be a jerk) and the fact that giggling over hot guys in a mag is plain foreign to me. :S I hate that I did change but what can one do about change? It's a life force that happens to all of us right? Right.

In College, working on what direction I want in Life. At first, I was so sure of being an RN but now..*shrugs* things change they always do. Along with that change I don't get much inspiration. I co-write stories but I procrasinate alot so most are still under construction. Yea, yea it's annoying and readers want updates, hey, unlike most writer's I write when I get inspiration and so far my inspiration has been lacking for the most part and I sincerely Apologize to my readers.

College, it is nothing like high school that's what I can say. So far my experience has been really surprising. Met new people from around the country and what not. But the sucky part is that haven't found a single new person who shares my love for Classic Rock and Modern Rock! Ugh, that's the big torture for me.

Anyway, I hope to be able to find inspiration and to update my stories. It's going to be hard, since I have homework, have to job-hunt, and mid-terms are already here! so yea, alot of reading and a lot of pressure to do well! Wish me luck on that part and Thanks for understanding.
October 15th, 2011 at 01:12pm