Worst day ever


To my sweet baby cousin,

I know you never met me, but ever since I heard you were coming I loved you.

And right now, when I found out you died I cried for 20 minutes.

I wish I could have met you. We were supposed to have the same birthday, or close to it. That would have been so much fun. I would have come to met you. We would have gotten along great.

I was going to come down over the summer to meet you and baby sit you. I was going to teach you all about great music and the art of getting what you want.

I wish I could have known if you were a boy or a girl. I wish I could have been there to be with your mom and dad.

Most of all I wish that you hadn’t have died. I wish you would have been born alive. Even though I know I can’t change the way things happened, I wish I could.

I love you so much baby cousin. Just know that.

Love Oli


My little baby cousin was born today, just an hour or 2 ago. I didn't even know if it was a boy or a girl yet before I was told that he or she was born dead.
I was already having a terrible day, and this really just ruined me. I don't understand how it could have happened. I feel like this is an episode of Secret Life, and I just can't get out.
This puts a whole new meaning to "I hate Mondays".
October 18th, 2011 at 05:46am