Cutting Out Cutting... A Group on Facebook... They know Nothing.

A group on facebook has been created, it's called 'Cutting Out Cutting, Against Self Harm' and this 'group' is trying to help us. The people who cut; without even bothering to know our side of the story. They are planning an event of putting a bandana over ur wrist on November 2nd and wanting people to post pictures of it so that they can use those pictures for their site.

If you read the posts, and your someone who cuts; like me... then you might feel as if you wanted to hit someone or something. Almost all those posts are treating our 'condition' as if we needed serious medical attention. Most post they dont understand why we do it when we have friends to talk too; but they DONT KNOW that we do it because we feel we CANT talk to our friends. We do it to feel something when nothing or anyone else can. This group isnt doing anything treating us like we are psycho people who just need someone to talk too. Talking isn't going to help us as much as they think.

Talking helps alittle, but what happens when you have no words left to say? What happens when you know your friends dont understand and judge you for that? Who are we left to talk too if not a councillor that doesn't give a crap about us... Most of us on here have our writing and that's more help than anything that group can do. Their name instantly says something about how they feel and they may not know it; but they are hurting us more by that group.

I've joined that group, not because I agree or because I agree. I joined because I think that some things are right with that group but that they have their information from books and doctors... Not from expierences. So I say on November 2nd wear a bandana on your wrist if you are a cutter. Not for this group, but for us. We should help eachother out, because we do understand eachother. So November 2nd wear a bandana on your wrist and make your profile profile picture of you and ur bandana. Show them that they are wrong about us, and that we just need to be understood... not judged. We as self harmers should stand together... showing we CAN be stronger then they think we are.

Comment if you'll be wearing your bandana on November 2nd
October 23rd, 2011 at 09:46pm