Story Help

I need help. Lots of it. I'm starting to write a new story. It's based on a dream I had a while ago. I decided to use this dream because I was never good at writing stories, and my mind pretty much wrote one for me. It's really childish and stupid, but it's all I can do. If you'd like to help, you should probably read it. Don't worry, I only have 2 short chapters.

I have a little bit of the beginning figured out (pretty much what I have written and I'm working on my next chapter plus I have the ending). If are going to help, just send me a message or something and I'll gladly accept your offer.

The ending of the story was inspired by the song Time from the Inception soundtrack, so if you'd like to listen to that, it might help with ideas. I don't know if your mind works that way, but mine does.

Thank you for any help!
October 24th, 2011 at 04:10am