Maybe that's what life's about.

This morning I was thinking about life and death and in between (very philosophical, me ;P), and I think I've worked it out. The meaning of life.

I mean, even if it isn't the actual meaning of life, it's my meaning of like. Just like 42 is the meaning of life in 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'.

You see, I think time is like a circle. There's no particular start or end, and no matter what the scientists say, I think time is infinite. Always has been, always will be. Ha ha.

But that's irrelevant.

Depression is a serious thing. It can also be a circle; happy one moment, sad the next, and around again. But this circle is different. It has a start and an end; because life, unlike time, can end.

For example, love (before you go on, understand that I think love is undefinable). Let's be honest here. My ex, who I will call Z, treated me like shit at the end of the relationship. Before that I was happy with the relationship. And now, what do I have? Well, I regret all the time I wasted with her. But otherwise I am as happy as ever.

So here is my philosophy.

Life is a whole bunch of the same circle, over and over. The circle has 2 parts to it: happiness and regret. When anything good is around, once it's gone, you regret something. It might be past loss (like with Z) or maybe it's future loss (time that you could have spent.

If that's true, it also explains what heaven is. The simple fact that there will be no more regret. Through death, the chain of regret circles are broken, and over time, even forgotten. And that, surely, is a blessing.
November 8th, 2011 at 10:15am