
The zodiac sign for today is Virgo. Enjoy

August 23 - September 22

Element: Earth

Ruling planets: Mercury

Symbol: The Virgin

Stone: Sapphire

Life Pursuit: To do the right thing

Vibration: Compassionate and caring

Virgo's Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

Virgos are often put down badly by many astrologers and written up as being fussy and narrow-minded. But when a Virgo shines, there is practically no sign to match their inner light. An in-tune Virgo is a treat to meet. When a Virgo is confident within themselves they are the most successful, structured and creative of all the signs.

Many Virgos can be found working in the "service to others" industries, ranging from welfare work, doctors, school-teachers through to practising natural forms of healing like massage, herbal remedies etc. One of the most magical characteristics of the Virgo is no matter how many times life or romance turns sour on them, they still manage to maintain faith in others, refusing to become cynical. There is ingenuity around this sign, a kind-heartedness, which unfortunately is sometimes played upon by others for their advantage. Virgos can often become victims of relationship power-games, where they are mistreated.

Creative and sensitive, Virgos are delicate people who, like rare and special orchids, require individual treatment to fully blossom into their true unique beauty. Shy, they are happy to allow others to take centre-stage and often generate their time and energy into making those they love happy or successful.

Virgos are givers and when the chips are down and you need a friend, the one available during those testing times when you need advice or companionship the most, is likely to be a Virgo. Virgos understand human frailties better than most, because they are so deep and reflective themselves. With a Virgo in your life you have someone who understands and cares and any romance or friendship based upon these qualities is certain to be mutually rewarding.

In ancient Greek mythology two prominent figures associated with the constellation are Erigone and Astraea. Astraea was the Greek goddess of innocence and the administration of law. Sickened by the wars of men, she was the last of the celestial beings to leave the earth for the heavens and is often depicted with the wings that allowed her angelic ascension to the stars. It is said that Zeus placed her amongst the stars as the Virgo constellation along with her scales of justice to depict the constellation Libra.
Erigone was the name by which the first century astrologer Marcus Manilius referred to the constellation. As the sign of the harvest, Virgo held strong connections with the time that grapes were gathered for the production of wine and Erigone represents an aspect of this association. She was the daughter of Icarius, who received the secret of wine making from the Wine God, Dionysus, and was murdered by peasants who believed they had been poisoned by his wine. Erigone was led to discover his body by their faithful dog and hanged herself in grief. The gods were moved to pity over the tragedy and transported the family to everlasting glory in the heavens : Icarius became Boötes, Erigone became Virgo, and the dog Maera, the constellation Canis Minor.

Star sign Compatibility:
Generally, the qualities of Virgo are considered to be compatible with those of the other earth signs: Taurus and Capricorn, and to a lesser extent with the water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Sagittarius and Pisces are considered semi-compatible with Virgo due to their having the same mutable quality in that they are Mutable signs. However, compatibility based on sun-sign alone is considered to be only a very general guideline. The branch of astrology dealing with interpersonal relationships is called Synastry. In this, astrologers analyse the horoscopes of both parties being considered with particular reference to the positions of the Sun and Moon, and Venus and Mars.
November 13th, 2011 at 07:45pm