I don't bleave I'm Beautiful...

My mum tells me all the time that I'm the most Beautiful girl in my school, but i still dont bleave her, or any other of my familey who says I'm beautiful....Or any of my freiends who call me sexy of pretty.......

Call me hormonal but I guess it's because a boy hasent said it to me. Usally I DONT care about boys, but I just feel so insucure about myself some times. I know i have a good personallity, i bleave that...

What really gets me is these girls who are SOOOOOOOO ugly get asked out, and i just gets me feeling even more ugly.......My moms says I'm just intimadating to the boys and that i should just wait for a relatinship, and i totally bleave her, but Sometimes i just feel fat and ugly...

And sometimes, it feels like more girls have a chrush on me than boys.........

This usally isent me to worry about boy, but im more just insucure than worryed.....
November 19th, 2011 at 02:36am