I'm ready to cry (I wrote this last night on tumblr)

Today I came up with my pen name. Annabelle Lee Way. and I’m wanting to be called Miss Annabelle. The day I make my name is when everyone is wanting my help with something. Today a girl called me her inspiration to get back into writing. Another girl took my advice and stood up to her friends and told them how she felt and rose her self esteem. And the best story that made me feel that justice is still existing. A girl had a very abusive boyfriend and was wanting to kill her is now behind bars because of what I told the girl to do. I’m in complete shock right now. How is it that me, a poor girl that lives in Peoria Arizona in a run down trailer be a person’s Inspiration. I don’t see how this is possible. How can I be inspiration. A girl is wanting me to read all her poems all her stories to see if they are good. Why am I the one to do that! A girl that was a no one just magically became a someone. I heard from a girl today that called me up and she was in tears because she was so happy that her mother is talking to her again and is wanting to name the child she is carrying after me! How is this possible! I’m just a girl. I don’t see how this is possible! and I’m humbled and shocked. just 4 years ago I was wanting to end my life, I’m glad I didn’t. Because I’m able to do my dream and help people and be there for everyone. I don’t know how this is happening. I love everyone. I will always be there for you. I’m so happy I can help people. Gah I love all of us. If you need help i’m here for you and I’ll try my best to help you with your dream. I want everyone to smile. Miss Annabelle loves you <3 My lair of lovelies <3 and remember

-Desire Your Dreams
November 26th, 2011 at 05:54pm