Good Morning Mibba |Questions|

well I feel in a really good mood and as I'm sitting at scool on the coputer where I shouldn't be I decided to write a journal for all of you mibba folk.
I've got my tripple tripple timmies coffee in hand and a raging cold... all I can seem to do is sneeze lately!
The Christmas tunes are on the radio and I think I'm going to have a good day! things are looking brighter in my life at the moment! [please don't change anytime soon!]
Wednesay means I'll have a lot of hair to cut today, and hopefully I don't snot all over my clients! but at least I have my hand sanitizer... I feel less disgusting knowing this.

1. Have you caught a cold or illness since the change in season?
2. What are your favourite coffee ingredients, and if you don't drink coffee, what is your favourite breakfast drink?
3. Have you messaged your best friend lately?
4. Are you excited to spend time with your family this holiday season?
5. Peace, or Love?
6. Black or Purple?

Happy holidays to all and for those who are religious, Merry Christmas <3
December 21st, 2011 at 02:36pm