Primal Form

A dark vast room lit only by pulsating colored lights set to operate on intricate timers. Loud, dangerously loud music...floating, twisting its way through that darkness. So loud that every thought, every desire, every remnant of memory and self is swallowed up by it. Smoke fills the air along with the scent of sweat and freedom. This is where you’ll find me. Divinely lost, forgotten by the routine and the mundane, thrashing my dark hair about, my skin moist and gleaming in the vague light. I will have no name. There won’t be a need for one. Not in this space, not in this moment. And for a second, perhaps even only a fraction of a second….I will be stunning. Every move I make will entrance, mesmerize. Yet those are not my intentions. For I seek no one. No one but me…. in my most primal form.
December 23rd, 2011 at 02:18am