Author's Notes; And So Much More

MERRY CHRISTMAS, I know it's a day late but it's still a chapter :) i was going to post it yesterday but i got busy seeing the family. so it's up today :)

I don't really have that many questions today, in to much of a good mood to bombard you with them but i do have these ones:

1. Who is happy for Jack and Steph?
2. How do you think Cooper will react?
3. Who wants to see Alex and April engaged?
4. Do you like the idea of them getting engaged on the same night as Steph and Jack?
5. Who likes the story so far and what do we want to see happen?

I hoped you all enjoyed your Christmas and got everything you wanted. I will try to have a few more chapters up before new years.

Love you all, enjoy your day and be happy.

Amber xo
December 26th, 2011 at 06:19am