My day

So this morning I went and picked up my girls at five and then brought them home. They both slept until about nine. Then we headed out to breakfast at some place my older sister suggested and they loved it. Eden loved the place but I'm pretty sure little Annabel just loved the fact the old ladies kept spoiling her.

After breakfast I took them shopping. Eden took the girls to get surprise birthday stuff for me and some clothes so I headed over to that one jewelry place, Jared's, and picked out the perfect engagement ring for Eden. When I found them again Eden wanted to go to Victoria's Secret so I took Annabel to the Disney store. I bought her like, half of the store (in my opinion) and let her give me a 'make over' as well. I left the store with a feather boa wrapped around my neck and a plastic tiara on my head. Sacrificing my pride was okay with me because she was happy.

Then I took them both to the park where we had a picnic. It was actually pretty nice outside and Anna played on the play ground. Then we got more shopping done and went and saw some movie that Anna wanted to see. It was annoying to me but I'm glad she liked it.

We came back home around seven-ish and Eden called her parents. They're letting her stay for New Years which make me happy. I don't see them as much as I should but I try and make the hopefully-soon-to-be-rents happy. We went to dinner at some fancy place she loves and then came back home. Eden went out to a friends house about an hour ago and I stayed home with Anna. She finally fell asleep and now I'm waiting for Eden to get home before I crash. Hope she gets in soon, otherwise I'll have to go make some coffee to stay up.

Can't wait to spoil them both tomorrow. Hope I'm doing this whole good boyfriend/good daddy thing right.
December 31st, 2011 at 09:31am