You are to me as peanut butter and jelly

The memories haunt me like a broken record. The laughs, the cries, the pokes, the noms, the hits, the smacks, the kisses, the hugs, the smiles, the love, the pain, the lust. All of it I would give up just to have you here and know that you’ll never leave my side. We’ll make more memories, laughs, cries, pokes, noms, hits, smacks, kisses hugs, love, pain, and lust and more because all we need is each other. Oh god, how I wish you were here. I don’t know whats wrong with me, I miss you soooooo bad, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. You were more than my best friend. You were my best friend, my Charlie, my smile, my guilt, my mind. Knowing you’d always be there for me was the highlight of my day. Going to the courtyard and being jackasses with monster and mentos. (lol) I miss that. I miss you. The one year anniversary that we just so happened to realize we were doing the same thing on the same day we did last year. It all meant something. Maybe not to you, but it meant a lot to me. You’re my wife, my undercover lover, my mentee and mentor, my heart, my love, my smile. My Charlie.
January 2nd, 2012 at 10:16am