Beauty Advice #3 Facial Acne Part III

This is the third and FINAL addition to my acne segment of my journals, and I can't wait to start focusing on another topic with you guys! But back on focus on right now, this journal is going to focus on REMEDIES that you can use to TREAT your acne! So are you ready? Set? LETS GO!

Yes! This does exactly what the name implies, it gets rid of pimples OVER NIGHT Here is what to do.

*Mix tree oil and a little fast acting yeast.
*Cover your pimple this the mixture, and cover it with a bandaid.
* Leave on over night, then take off in the morning. Your pimple should be gone.

How Does This Work You Ask?
The yeast is going to cause the pimple to rise out of the skin, while the tree oil attacks it, making the pimple disappear! Pretty cool right?

This one may sting a bit, but it is totally worth it in the end, trust me, I've tried it! Here's all you have to do.

*Cut a lemon in half before you go to bed.
*Rub it on your face, the inside of the lemon on your skin.
*In a week you should notice that your skin is MUCH clearer!

Citrus is very good for skin, so this one clears pores, and it's a very easy treatment!

*Mix water and finely grated orange peel
*Apply this to your face, wait a bit, then rinse

This is just a simple, one step treatment you can do yourself, it will reduce the size of pimples by disinfecting them!

*Apply a Q-tip covered in hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar to your pimple each night before bed.
January 3rd, 2012 at 09:57am