Beauty Advice #4 Dark Under-Eye Circles

Hey everyone! It's Ivy, and this journal was something I was requested to do by a private message, and I'm always THRILLED to take requests! I know for a lot of us, dark circles can be a problem for a lot of us. So this journal is dedicated to telling you where these come from, and what you can do to make them no-more :)

What Causes Dark Under-Eye Circles?

This issue can be caused by a lot of different obstacles. Here are the main causes.

*Genetics! yes it can run in the family! Just like nearly any other beauty issue, black under eye circles might be a thing that runs in your family, so ask your family members if they have/had any problems with dark under eye circles, before jumping to conclusions.

*Heritage! Yes, this may be shocking to you but people who are more Italian or Mediterranean are more likely to struggle with under eye circles!

*Lack of ciculation around the eye area!, the skin under your eyes is the thinnest skin on your whole body so when that skin is not protected (using moisturizer or eye cream) it causes your skin to thin out, which is going to cause under line blood vessels and blood langing around the eye to be a lot more noticable which causes a lot of darkness.

*UV damage from the sun! if you're not protecting your eye area correctly when going out in the sun. If you're not using the proper eye cream or the proper SPF number on your sun lotion it can also lead to discoloration around the eyes.

*Lack of sleep this one may be a given, but a lot of us don't think about it when staying up late, and having to wake up early for school or work the next day! There's a reason it's called BEAUTY SLEEP and we all need it!


*Always Use Eye Cream or Moisturizer!That is the NUMBER ONE thing you can to to prevent, and treat under eye circles without makeup or anything!

*Wear Sunglasses This will help along side of sunblock and eyecream to prevent harmful UV damage from the sun, decreasing under eye circles!

*Go To Bed Early! Especially on school nights or nights before work in the morning when you wake up the earliest! I know a lot of us are night owls and want to stay up and do things late, but dark under eye circles are going to be your punishment for doing that!

*Cold Water! Run a wash cloth under very cold water, wring it out, and then lay it over your eyes for about 10 minutes. It will not only treat dark circles, but puffiness too!

*Cucumber Slices! We all know that famous spa treatment when you lay there with two cucumber slices on each of your eyes, well it's famous for a reason! It's a great dark circle treatment! Directions on how to preform this treatment are found below!

The Cucumber Treatment

1.) Keep a cucumber in your refrigerator

2.) Cut into slices that look like circles (about the thickness you would put in a salad.) and rest them gently over your eyes. (make sure your eyes are closed!)

3.) Keep them there for 10 - 15 minutes, then remove them.

4.) Do this treatment every day to reduce dark circles.

NOTE: if you have an allergy to cucumbers or you just don't want to use them, cold spoons work just as well! Keep two spoons in the refrigerator and try the same thing using them!

Well, I hope this helped you, and that you learned something from this journal! Again, this was a requested topic, so don't be shy! Leave me a comment on my profile, or send me a message if you want me to cover a certain topic, and I promise I will get right to it ASAP! I take all requests, and they are all appreciated.

ALSO! I got a lot of nice and positive feed back on my acne journal, even from some people who had tried the treatments and loved them, so I'm thrilled you liked them, and I'm so glad you found them useful! Thanks for reading, I hope you have a happy and healthy day!
January 3rd, 2012 at 07:49pm