This Fraction of a Dot...

The Earth is a beautiful thing, and we are its demise in humanoid form. We are malicious heathens of unimaginable anger and hatred. In the middle east, there are two wars perpetrated by my wholesome country, of the now not so free, Inundated States of America*.
In this great country of ours, we have multiple morons taking a gander at how this awful shit stain should be controlled. Rick Santorum is a republican, homophobic, shyster, pseudo-political-Lord of the Rings specialist**, Ron Paul is a pro-lifer that is pretending to be a libertarian, Barack Obama is at it again, Newt Gingrich is well...Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachman is going to fuck us in the ass with her religious, homophobic bullshit (oh the irony...), and so is Rick Perry! We're fucked!
But if there is one thing that I know for certain, it is that none of this matters. We are an insignificant "Pale Blue Dot," as the late astronomist Carl Sagan so elegantly put it (may he rest in peace).
And in his recorded excerpt from his put title "Pale Blue Dot," he describes how pointless it was that conquerors ran rivers of blood to control this...this, well...this fraction of a dot.
*The government can now detain any citizen without charge or due trial, and SOPA is figure it out.
January 9th, 2012 at 03:46am