Am I Being Childish About This?

Is it childish of me to wonder what I am to him? And that I refuse to text him now until he texts me because I feel like I'm boring him sometimes? Here's some back info: my not-boyfriend-i-don't-know-what-he-is used to text me every day and we'd talk almost all day and neither of us (at least he didn't seem like it) got bored. However, recently I've been texting him first a lot and then mid-conversation he just... disappears. So now I'm thinking "oh well, I must be boring him :p" so I don't want to text him now because I'm afraid that he doesn't wanna talk to me ]: And to the other thing, people keep wondering why he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, and at first it didn't bother me but now... where's we've held hands and cuddled and hugged and kissed and all I want to know what I am to him. I know his reasons (or I have an idea) as to why he hasn't but... I'm very dense and I need to be just told start up "DAMN IT GIRL I LIKE YA, LET'S BANG" well, not like that :p but... yeah. is this childish of me?
January 10th, 2012 at 03:33am