Day 1 - Broken Heart

Dear Journal,

I woke up this morning to find three messages from my boyfriend. I clicked on his account and opened my mailbox.

This is what the three mesages, combined, read:

"Dear Brenna, I am really sorry about this. The reason being I haven't seen you in three years and we don't talk much now. I know this is my fault but I never seem to get your messages anymore. I just don't feel we talk anymore and I don't think this is going to work. I'm so so so sorry. I wish I didn't have to say this but: I don't want to date you anymore. Your a mess, you need help Brenna."

Let me just say I've known him for six years and it took me three years to trust him because of events in my life. I failed at life. I got kicked out of so many things for being destructive after I was bullied. I punched walls, kcik people and told them I wanted them to die.

But really the person I wanted to die was me. I cried myself to sleep and choked,starved and cut. I was scared. I am scared. But I don't need help. I got help. I'm ok now.

I'm Just Scared.
January 17th, 2012 at 11:22pm