lymes disease

ok so a few weeks ago.... i was told i have lymes disease. i'm taking the meds and is almost done. at first, when we thought i had it, i was a mess. i was crying. having breakdowns.... i thought about running away even. so we went for a blood test. and it came back positive. o was speechless. by that i mean i didn't speak, eat, or have fun for days. i thought about running away, never coming out of my room again. and i eventualy got over it. o yesterday, my stomach was acting up cuz of the meds. it felt like my stomach was turning inside out. but i got through it. im almost dne but still sad cuz i have other drama going on with school, friends, and family. so if you don't hear from me again, plz come to my funeral. :(
January 21st, 2012 at 12:17am