Hey you. Yeah you. You should read this :P

I think people need to talk to anyone, read anyone's work, and comment on people's work they think is good. Not a lot of comments go around in here. If you don't like it, don't say anything rude, of course, but I think that you can critique and tell them how they could maybe fix it.

Also, I think we should all try talking to someone new today :)
Not a new person, though, if possible, because everyone does that xD

I think you should find the section that most interests you (stories, poems, journals, etc...) and find one you like, then talk to the author. Be appreciative :D Or, ya know, you can talk to me :) Ask questions or whatever.

1. What is your favorite color? number? animal? style of clothing? Band? actor/actress? movie?
2. Can I get a boo-yah! If you're bi/gay and proud of it?
3. Passionate about anything? What?
4. Romance/ Horror/ Action?
5. What would you do with a million bucks?
6. Hobbies?

Really don't expect anyone to answer all those. Honestly, I don't even expect anyone to read this xD I'm just a bored girl with an idea :D
January 29th, 2012 at 12:12am