Transboy. Can Boy's Get Fat?

First I want to let you guys know that yes I know that boys can get fat.
The main point of this is what happened the other day.

So there I am, all happy because my friends finally get that I hate being referred to with female pronouns, and they're starting to understand the difference between gender and sex, until suddenly, I go home and my mum tells me I'm getting fat!

But's not that she called me fat, it's how much it bothered me.

I mean, I know I've put on weight, what with my lack of exercise and my love of TV and food, so it shouldn't have bothered me, but here I am, a guy, getting all emo over his weight.

Don't get me wrong, I know that boys can and do get fat and decide they want to lose weight, but I doubt it's keeping them awake at night.

I know I get a lot of help from the online trans-community, but what I'd love to hear from, is a biological boy, to explain how they react to weight-gain. And by weight-gain I mean fat, not muscle.

It's not very eloquent and not much of a Transboy journal than my other one's but I really wanted to get this out there and see what everyone else thinks.
February 1st, 2012 at 11:56pm