*Dancing Like Crazy* It's finished XD read me, read me, read meeee!

I have completed my masterpiece!!
My Website
visit me, make an account or sign the guest book!

Okay so I'll let you know what it's all about.
Sometimes I spend hours upon hours searching the internet for a poem or a song that fits my mood at that moment in time, sometimes by the time I've found it my mood has changed an I've gotta start all over again!
Basically I have created it so that I can upload onto there whatever I find and you can do the same! It's just an easier way to find something that you really love faster

So yeah, so far I have two members
WTFmusicperson and So Mi Shught
Much love going out to these two fabulous people.

BUT I want more!! Hahaha.
I am stricken with website user greed! oh noes

Okay, I will shut up about the website, For now, and move onto this video that I was told to watch, it's a song by some dude called 'Dr Evil'. It made me lol the first time so I think you should go watch it XD

February 2nd, 2012 at 10:23pm