Amazing idea sparkers

I just found the best writing helps ever!! What are they? Well i'm glad you asked. They are and And they are the best random generator sites in the world(until I find better ones, that is).

Not only do they generate random names(for almost all classes of people i.e: Elfs, evil chars, vampire, cat-person, goblins, the list goes on and on), but it'll come up with names for Kingdoms(because let's face it, it's hard to come up with those), names for currency, Settings, Technology, Organizations, Beings(new races), and skills/spells. There's a lot more than that, but my fingers are cramping so I can't name them all ><.

Anyway, I just think they're the best websites ever. I got a new book idea after just skimming their list of prompts and book ideas, and I got a lot of ideas for books i'm already working on. It's a writer's paradise, that's all i'm saying. It felt selfish to keep it to myself, when I know a bunch of you would appreciate it too, so there you go ^_^. Enjoy

February 17th, 2012 at 06:01pm