30 days 30 letters challenge- Day 6

Day 6

Dear Stranger,

This one's hard I have to admit. You are a stranger to me so I have no clue who you are and what you're like. I would like to get to know you....well, if you weren't a serial killer or something lol. I am the kind of person that is shy but if you talk to me first I will start talking after a while. Stranger I will tell you about myself so maybe I won't be a stranger to you anymore. You could tell me about yourself later I guess. Stranger I am turning 17 on Feb 24th. Which is this Friday! Happy Birthday to me!! Right? Well, not really. This year isn't going to be so great...... anyways.... Once you get to know me you will like me all my friends do. They used to say they thought I was weird until we started to hang out. Talk to me and you'll find out I am more fun then you once thought I was :D I have to go now stranger I hope one day we wont be strangers anymore(:

Your Stranger,
February 21st, 2012 at 12:46am