The Golden Quartet is and always will be my first priority, so no need to worry there.

Prim and Proper is being edited.

Deja Vu is going to be a short story so you can only expect about 3 more chapters to come in the (hopefully) near future.

Also, I am currently working on another Sirius Black story. If you haven't noticed, I have a crush on Sirius Black. :l This story is going to be much different from Cats and Dogs which was more about angst and romance and mush and lovey dovey kinda cheesy stuff. This story is more about not only dealing with other people but also dealing with yourself. The lead in this story is definitely flawed in more ways than one. Yes, it is a romance. Sirius is the man male lead but that doesn't necessarily mean this will be a happy ending. I want to create a few chapters first before I start posting it, so you'll have that also to look forward to.

Just a reminder, I am working at a VERY tiring job so updates will be slower than usual. Sorry but those kids suck the life out of me. Leave comments with your thoughts, okay?
March 7th, 2012 at 07:44am