moths and worms

I went out for a cigarette just now and there was a big long worm on the ground and it was staying still so I picked it up and it turned out it was a twig. It was very disappointing. It looked like a worm in the dark. I like worms a lot. I always try to collect them but they get all mashed up when I put them in my pocket so it never really works. I used to find them on the astroturf at school all the time and put them in girls hair in hockey because I found it very funny how scared and stupid and screamy they got about it. I like moths as well, sometimes in the night I leave my window open and my light on so they come in, and then I catch them and leave them under a glass for a few days until they die and then I put their bodies in a little bowl by my bed. I’ve got quite a few now. I like watching them. As days pass they grow weaker and more fragile and they stop throwing themselves against the glass and just lie on the floor with their speckled wings twitching and their legs wriggling. They’re very beautiful. I used to like how it’s my decision whether they live or not, I'm not sure about that anymore though. I sometimes feel a bit sorry that I take their lives from them but that usually passes quite quickly.
May 13th, 2012 at 03:11pm