Comment swaaaap.

I've just finished up the second draft of a oneshot I'm working on [Let the Dead Bury the Dead, found [here.] for a competition in the forums, and I was really hoping to get some critique on it. Harsh, unforgiving, constructive criticism. I mean, don't trash the piece, but don't be shy about letting me know what could be improve. I want to be really happy with this before I turn it in to be judged.

It wouldn't be fair to ask for reviews without something in return, though, would it? And so therefore I propose a comment swap. If you leave a comment below with the name of something you want me to review (nothing long! If you direct me to a full story, I may only read the first chapter or so for reviewing, as my own piece is only one chapter) and I'll go check it out.

I kind of feel like making this a your-move-first swap, though, because I did this yesterday and I got two sentences from the person I was swapping with, even though I typed out three paragraphs of comment. I will absolutely give out what I get. :D

Anyone in?
May 17th, 2012 at 09:50pm