Don't worry...Be happy ^-^

I am sooo happy. You know things are going good, like seriously. I'm going on a four hour road trip Friday for my class trip I'm presenting my mash-up of the graduations songs to my class tomorrow and I'm just happy. I might be tired (just a bit) and antsy (again just a bit) but that's all good. I'm going to be fine. I'll get sleep later tonight (possibly) and my nerves will be calmed (eventually) but for now I have stuff that needs to be done. Tomorrow is a very big day for me, and it's also my Dad's birthday! Whoo! Okay well besides that I am also filming with my friends this weekend our first video for our youtube channel, and then in a few weeks I'll be posting my first video for my youtube channel. I am a happy camper right about now. You should check out this guy if you want to hear some good music, his name is Ed Sheeran. He's a beautiful musican from the UK i think, and he's just amazing, he's my new obsession hehe. Well I hope you all have a wonderful week. Oh and try to do something nice for someone it always comes back to you :) eventually I love nice people who just appreciate what's given to them. After I listen to some music I'm going o sew my pants take a shower and read. Not in that order...maybe in that order I'm not sure yet. :)
May 23rd, 2012 at 12:57am